Welcome to the home of Watford Wayfarers.
We offer two flying sites, one for fixed wing flying and one for helicopters; plus (in normal times) a monthly meeting and the chance to socialise with your fellow members. Our fixed wing site has good facilities with plenty of model benches and a clubhouse for refreshments and shelter. So, if you are looking to join a friendly, relaxed club then look no further.
We currently have vacancies for both experienced fixed wing and helicopter fliers so, if you are interested in joining, please click here. We offer free taster sessions for those who haven't flown before and free fixed wing training with experienced instuctors. At present we don't offer training on helicopters but can guide you to a very reasonable helicopter trainer.
If you're looking for details of our next club night, click here.
If you're thinking about taking up flying, have a look at these pages.